It is just as important to stay tuned into all things un-gentlemanly as it is to stay abreast on all the great things that there are out there to experience. This is one of those stories that is completely UN-gentlemanly and I cant believe it even exists.
Do you have Valentines day plans yet? Well don’t worry if you don’t because White Castle (kind of like Krystal’s for all you true southerners out there) has got you covered. Yes the fast food establishment serving up undersized frozen patties on rolls offers a candle lit dinner complete with flowers and table side service. I am guessing the table side service consists of, “another squeeze of your ketchup packet ma’am”? This "candle lit dinner" takes place inside of the fast food establishment so you can enjoy the fine atmosphere that White Castle has to offer. Apparently, this event books up so they require you to call ahead and make reservations…HA! I wonder if they will serve Boone's Farm or Franzia boxed wines with dinner? That would make for a great pairing.......RIDICULOUS
I don’t think I have to go into detail on this one of why it is the most un-gentlemanly things I have heard of in a long time. You know I guess theres the saying, “to each his own” but I cant let this one slide and accept that this is an acceptable thing to be a part of. I mean, come on. I think that for one day a year you can elevate your situation a little bit and go without fast food for one night
Friends, Romans, Gentlemen, lend me your ears, and hold up just one gosh darn second. Everyman, whether gentle or not, is still a man. Let me pose just one simple question before all the gentlemen out there go and spend way too much on the required date we all know as Valentines Day.
ReplyDeleteDo you like White Castle?: Yes. Of course you do. What man doesn't? Cheeseburgers and fries- Great. Buns so greasy the corners of the burger is soggy- That's the best part. But, even more important, you can eat 7 easy, and 12 if you really push it. If you've never experienced the sensation of finishing a whole Sackful by yourself, you are missing out on life. Well, in the long run, you probably miss out on more life when you do finish the whole sackful. But, that is beside the point. The pride and satisfaction derived from completing such a herculean task is worth a clogged artery any day of the week.
But how many times a year can you have such a delicasy served to you?
- Once. Valentines Day. Why should it only be for the women? You can take that special someone out to a nice dinner any day of the week. Roses? A dime a dozen (well, maybe more like 25 dollars a dozen). But, 'Would you like some more ketchup for your Sack, sir?'- That's a special moment.