Just a quick thought today. Earlier, I was walking in downtown Atlanta wearing a simple black blazer, white shirt, and a pocket square. I noticed that people were staring at it as if they had never seen one before, or just had no clue what a piece of fabric was doing in my jacket pocket.Now, I feel that this story may be unique to Atlanta. If I were walking down a street in New York sporting a pocked square that would be average. I would actually probably blend in. However, Atlanta is a little bit different than that. What this quick story ultimately got me thinking about was the fact that so many guys think that dressing well means that they are soft. Or that only women should care about how they dress. Whats really funny is that the same guys who feel this way are the same guys who will wear Christian Audigier and Ed Hardy. Yea, because sparkly lions on your shirt is way more masculine than a slim tie/shirt and a nice pair of jeans. Oh and speaking of jeans, yours have rhinestones on them.....very manly of you. All I am saying is that guys need to stop being afraid of looking nice. Its a respect thing, for yourself and others. Who knows it might even help your game out this weekend.....unless you plan on "fist pumping" in the club all weekend..
What Would James Bond Do? Simple rule of thumb. You can't go wrong. It applies to fashion and to other life choices like.. should i ski or snowboard? WWJBD? think about it people