The other day I joined a good friend for lunch to catch up on what has been going on in each others lives. All together the lunch was pretty standard and it was an enjoyable break from the normal day to day grind. However, as we were closing out our lunch and walking to the door my friend stopped to sneeze and pulled out a handkerchief. I immediately took notice of the simple piece of fabric and said, "How long have you been carrying that around?" His answer was simple and straight to the point, "I always have". The reason I bring this up is because it is such a small accessory but yet it was so strange to see someone in their mid to late twenties using one. It got me thinking though about the things that used to be standard for every man to carry. Back when it was customary for every gentleman to carry a handkerchief it was simply second nature to have one. In the same way that we would never walk out of our houses without our blackberry's or ipods there were certain things that a man never left home without. The kicker is that they always had a purpose and I was amazed at how effortlessly my friend (a product of the eighties) kept one and used one. A man should always have what he needs to conduct himself in the right way and he should never have such items as simply for show. For instance, my grandfather always has carried a very small pocket knife in his front trouser pocket. Its so second nature to him that I am sure he forgets its there but it never fails, whenever I have been around him there has been a need to use it and he pulls it out effortlessly and puts it back away as if everyone carries such equipment. My point is that so many of us younger guys have forgotten the "code" of what it takes to make sure you are always put together. Here's a quick list of the things that I think every man should be carrying on him.
1. Handkerchief. No one wants your germs and no one wants to see your nose running. Use one and don't display it. Keep it subtle.
2. Quality pen. Simple enough. You need to sign a document, write a phone number down, make a quick note to yourself. Its a simple item that can make a pretty bold statement about you and your taste.
3. Small pill box. A man should never be "whiny". Keep a small pill box on you or in your briefcase or messenger bag. Have a headache? Don't complain about it, do something. Keep some Advil in there and maybe some heartburn meds. Especially if your headed straight to work or any other plans straight from a long night out.
4. Quality watch. Not every situation allows you to pull out your phone to check the time. Its a great fashion statement and its useful. Your standing on the corner and a beautiful woman asks you for the time....don't fumble in your pockets for your phone. Effortlessly pull your sleeve back and give a quick response. Plus, you never know who you might impress with your choice of watch. These things can make a difference.
5. A sleek wallet and always keep some cash on hand. To many times I have made the mistake of not having cash for a valet or to split a check with a friend. A simple leather wallet of high quality will do the trick and a twenty on hand at all times is a good standard to follow.
Odds & Ends: March 7, 2025
1 day ago
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