Thursday, November 4, 2010

Its Good To Be Back

Hello there! Wow, it feels great to be back on the Modern Gentleman's Blog. If you are reading this and were once a regular reader then I am glad you have continued to check in during my long hiatus. If your new to The Modern Gentleman and this is the first post you are reading then keep checking in. Here at the Modern Gentleman's site we cover everything from men's fashion, classic cocktails, and the "lost art of living" to business, news, art and everything in between that would interest the involved and sophisticated Modern Gent. It feels good to be back, look forward to regular posts soon!

-The Modern Gent

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Culinary Event of the Year?

Culinary event of the year is definitely a lofty title to attach to an event. Especially when there is so much of the year left to experience. However, unlike other fantastical claims (think Titanic) this is one ship that will not be sinking. The innovative folks at Dinner Party Atlanta (whom I have detailed on this blog before-see "For Every Action There is A Reaction") have come up with an amazing food and wine driven evening experience. The best part about it? You still have time to get in!
So, what is this event all about? Let me throw some components your way, I think you will agree that this is definitely a must-attend event.

1. Outdoor, early evening event in Piedmont Park. (Think cool evening, romantic lighting, fantastic conversation and amazing eats)
2. Cocktail hour featuring original creations from some of Atlanta's most well known and innovative bartenders
3. Eight chefs each preparing a four course original menu of their choosing. Oh yea, the chefs include many familiar faces from Bravo's Top Chef and local Atlanta favorites
4. All products sourced from local farms that are of the highest quality
5. Wine pairings from Georgia's only Master Sommelier Michael McNeil of Quality Wine and Spirits
6. Profits go towards Pope High School and Georgia farms.

Aren't convinced yet that this evening is going to be phenomenal? Then let me tell you that the entire evening (cocktails, 4-course meal, 4-wine pairings) is only going to run you 95 bucks. $95, I might add, that heads straight towards a great cause.

This is one event that you truly do not want to miss out on. If you can swing it, head to and head to the May 1st dinner section. Get some more details and reserve your seat for you and your companions. See you there!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Cold Beer, Pack of Smokes, and Steve McQueen

Its been quite sometime since I have posted anything to the Modern Gentleman's blog. I was going to apologize for that but then I realized that would mean I was apologizing to fans or something. While I may be a little bit cocky, I am not out of touch-I realize no one was loosing sleep over my lack of posts. So, all I will say is that an extremely busy schedule and a lack of inspiration have lead to my two week hiatus. That's all changing this week though. Just a little while ago I stumbled on Life Magazine's recent post to their website that features 21 candid photo of the ultimate bad-ass gentleman Steve McQueen. Here's the link: STEVE MCQUEEN. I am not going to go into to much details on these photos because I want you to check 'em out for yourself but I will say this; cigarette smoking, beer chugging, gun shooting, and laying in the back of a pick up truck can only be made to look glamorous by, what I would consider, a true Modern Gentleman. If you missed my description of a Modern Gentleman a couple of months ago when I started all of this blog stuff, just look at these pictures. A true modern gentleman is not afraid to get his hands dirty, have a good time, break the rules, or shoot a hand gun in this case. The only responsibility a modern gentleman has is to act appropriately in whatever situation he finds himself in, and sometimes you find yourself with a six back of beer, pack of smokes, dusty pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. I say, dig in.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What You Should Be Drinking Right Now: Craft Brews

Ah yes, finally another edition of "What You Should Be Drinking Right Now". This one is a little different because as opposed to giving you a specific cocktail to mix up, I have some overall advice. Explore the world of beer. I used to shrug beer off as nothing more than a watered down filler that took up to much expensive real estate in my stomach that could be better utilized with a stiff drink. Actually, a few of my friends and I have had many a heated debate over the phrase "beer is the new wine". While I wont go as far as to agree with that statement in its entirety, I am now willing to give beer a little bit more credit. I am sure you have noticed that many bars and restaurants now have extensive beer lists and the servers and bartenders at these establishments are well versed in the language of the "craft brewery". I have had the opportunity to taste many of these craft brewery concoctions and I have to say, the flavors are really interesting and sipping a new beer has proved to be an enjoyable experience. Some restaurants are even going as far as pairing beers with certain menu items much like you would do with wine. Gone are the times when you could get away with ordering a bud light or miller lite. Go that route and your are liable to get an evil eye from a bartender and maybe even a suggestion to try something a little more adventurous. I am not going to recommend any specific beers to try, I am just going to leave you with this; don't be so quick to judge beer like I was. Give it a chance. Head to your favorite liquor store, shoot over to the beer aisle and pick something up that looks interesting that you have never heard of. Better yet, support your favorite bar or restaurant and ask for the bartenders suggestion on a great new beer to enjoy. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Happy drinking.

(Picture Above: Organic, Craft Brew-Selection)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Get Out of The Gym: Train Like Rocky.

(This segment is brought to you by the Modern Gentleman's health and wellness specialist DMG)

They gym is not for everyone. Weight training is a great way to gain muscle, burn fat, and get in shape; but if you're like me, then you probably don't enjoy spending 4-5 days a week indoors with a bunch of sweaty dudes talking supplements and hanging out in saunas. The "Get out of the Gym" segment will be a monthly staple in the fitness section of The Modern Gentleman, and I am a firm believer that getting out of the gym and training like an athlete makes exercise more effective and enjoyable.

For this month's segment, it's time to get outside and train like Rocky. In fitting with the "Back to Basics" theme of this blog, here's some classics that require less than $5 and yield results quickly.

Jump rope
. All you need is a jump-rope, some good shoes, and practice, practice, practice. Jumping rope is an essential part of many athlete's training regiments- from boxers to skiers to football players. Jumping rope increases coordination, agility, quickness, footwork, and endurance while toning your shoulders and providing a scorching card workout. Here's some tips to get started jumping rope:

1. Select a rope: Jumping ropes are cheap, and you can usually find a good one at your local sporting goods store or online. They come in several different materials and lengths- just buy a lightweight, plastic speed rope and don't spend much on it. Usually less than $10, sometimes less than $5 if you look around. Typically ropes are 8-10 ft long- most at the stores will be 9 ft. If your 6' tall or less, a 9 ft. rope will usually be fine, if you're much taller than that you may have to get a 10 ft. rope.

2. Technique. Jumping rope isn't something you will be good at you're first time, believe me. It takes practice to get the hang of it, but once you got it-the benefits are huge. Start with skill workouts. The purpose of your initial workouts will be to develop your rope-jumping skills and coordination. Expect frustration at first, but don't give up! There are endless skills to learn to keep your conditioning challenging and enjoyable, but start with basic two foot jumps (the rope will skip once for every jump) with both feet. After you've got that down, move on to alternating your feet as if you are running in place. *Pick your knees straight up and land on the balls of your feet, you're not taking a full stride here. (International Sports Conditioning Association) is a good resource for more advanced techniques.

3. Shoes & surface. Wear a good pair of cross trainers when you jump rope- running shoes don't have enough cushion for landing on the balls of your feet. Also, try to jump rope on a more forgiving surface like a track rather than on concrete; it'll save your feet and ankles a world of hurt.

Got the basics down? Check this guy out for inspiration.

Run Stairs. A park or a stadium will do fine for this. Sprint up stadium stairs like Balboa does in Philly. After that, jog back down and do "mountain climbers" on the bottom step (Running motion, pump your arms, ball of your foot touches the step and alternate quickly. *It's not how fast you get off the step, it's how quickly your feet explode off the ground that counts.)

These two workouts are simple. Jumping rope will take a little more practice, but they will definitely get you out of the gym and provide some variety for your workouts. Only got 20-30 minutes to squeeze in a workout? Try this:

1. Jump rope for 1-2 minutes without stopping to warm up. Jump as quickly as you can based on your skill level and incorporate different techniques throughout the jump. This will get your heart rate up and ready for the workout. *Bump some upbeat music in your Ipod to help keep the tempo up.

2.As soon as you're done jumping rope, sprint up the stadium stairs. When you reach the top, turn around and jog back down, pump out 20 mountain climbers on the bottom step and then drop down for 10-20 quick push-ups. You have just completed 1 set. Take 30-60 seconds to scrape your lungs off the pavement and repeat. You'll want to get in at least 3 sets, possibly 5 based on your fitness level. You'll be shocked when you look at your watch and realize you spent 15 minutes working out and you are completely whipped.

Stay Tuned,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Style Note: Hats Off to Hats that Look Great On.

This edition of the Saturday Style Note comes a little bit late in the day thanks to a pretty great party last night. Actually, quick shout to Mike and Derek who put on a great event last night, best wishes and good luck goes out to the Rock and Egg Productions team. Needless to say, a great open bar last night led to a slow and lazy Saturday afternoon. What I wanted to hit on briefly today was hats. Somewhere down the line, us men got a little confused and we thought it was appropriate to wear backwards hats and visors with pre-frayed brims (not so much the visors anymore but there was a time when they were everywhere). Believe it or not, there was a time when hats were extremely stylish and, for the most part, a necessity of a mans everyday wardrobe. Its not to say that great hats dont exist today, actually that's what I am going to show you, its just that the selection for most men got sloppy, right along with the rest of their clothes. Not only does the type of hat matter, but the manner in which you wear it matters as well. For instance, the fedora is an O.K. choice but you have to have a lot of confidence and personal style to tie it into your wardrobe in a seamless way. Otherwise, its going to look pretty contrived. In another example, the military cap is a great casual choice but not if your wearing a tie a blazer, in that case a "drivers cap" or a "news-boy" cap is going to get the job done a little bit better. Without any further delay, here are my picks for the most appropriate hats of the times and some pictures of how to incorporate them into your daily dress.

I like this simple, yet stylish and unique "dress" hat. This style is typically made out of felt and is close to being what is considered a derby. Either way, if you want to put a hat on in a casual way, why not go this route as opposed to a baseball cap?

This is one of my personal favorites-The "Newsboy" cap. I wear one of these out more than a couple of times a week. This type of hat does vary in shape so you have to find one that is going to frame your face correctly. Some get really wide on the sides, some are really "floppy" on top. I like the streamlined style that is narrow and not flimsy or floppy at all. As you can tell in the photo, these hats look great with a cardigan, or a tie and jeans combo.

The Military Cap. I am a fan of these, but this is just about as casual as I am willing to go. However, the variety of fabric types, prints, and shapes you can get with this style adds that extra hint of style that makes it a much better option than any regular old hat. My one recommendation for this cap is to get one that is vintage. No brands, or logos anywhere on the hat. That kind of ruins the appeal to this military type of look.

With these great options you should never feel the need to put on your dingy old baseball cap. Playing a sport is just about the only place that style is going to be appropriate. Take it up a notch and try out one of these great hats the next time your compelled to cover up your mop.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Forget New Years Resolutions. Try out a March Resolution. DMG's Health and Wellness Segment, March 2nd

Another great post by health and wellness specialist-DMG. Enjoy.

Well, it’s March now, and if you look in the mirror you might notice that your New Year’s resolutions have faded into a distant memory. Sure, the first few weeks were great- you were exercising regularly, drinking less (perhaps still getting over New Years Eve), and you may have even lost a few pounds; but, if you are like the vast majority of resolution-makers, by this time you’re goals have gone to the wayside and you have resorted back to old habits.
In a experiment, over 3000 people were tracked with regards to their achievement of a range of resolutions, including losing weight, visiting the gym, quitting smoking, and drinking less. At the start of the study, 52% of participants were confident of success. One year later, only 12% actually achieved their goal. I’m going out on a limb here, but I would venture a guess that of those 12% that “achieved” their goal that year, even fewer are still on track today.
Maybe people fail to achieve their New Year’s resolutions so frequently because they have no self control. Perhaps peoples’ abilities to focus on a goal and achieve it are predetermined or fixed- much like one’s height or eye color. Or perhaps they just had the wrong resolution.
In keeping with Diego’s “You failed because you had the wrong dream” philosophy (Prison scene in “Blow”- a classic. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, rent it.), I believe that people fall short of achieving their New Year’s resolutions year after year because they are simply making the wrong resolution. They fail because they have the wrong dream.
Psychologist Albert Bandura has defined self-efficacy as our belief in our ability to succeed in specific situations. Moreover, the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals. Self efficacy can be measured as a continuum, with two extremes: high and low. Individuals who believe that they have a limited amount of self-control and that they cannot change are said to have low self-efficacy. These individuals might say things like, “I can’t stop ______(eating chocolate, smoking, drinking- pick your poison), I inherited that gene.” These people have little belief in their ability to carry out their goals, and therefore are perennial resolution-breakers. On the other end of the continuum, you have those with high self-efficacy. These people believe that self control is malleable, unlimited, and dynamic. They might say something like, “I can stop___, all I have to do is put my mind to it.” Resolve to be the latter.
Important distinction- self efficacy is not the same as self esteem. “Self esteem relates to a person’s sense of self-worth, whereas self efficacy relates to a person’s perception of their ability to reach a goal.” In order to achieve a goal, you must create a plan and truly believe in your ability to achieve that goal. Tips to get back on track with your resolutions:
1. Work hard to create the “right” resolutions. Have the right dream. If you have made the same resolution a few times and have failed each year, change your resolution.
2. If you have broad resolutions- i.e. getting in shape- create a detailed plan in order to achieve it. Example: Instead of saying “I’m going to lose weight to look better”, plan substitute items on your grocery list (1% milk, fresh instead of frozen, natural instead of processed), create a workout schedule (yoga class Tuesday & Thursday, weights on Wednesday, recreational soccer league on Saturday), and most importantly- view relapses as laughable deviations from the plan instead of failure, and get back on track tomorrow.
3. Make one resolution.
4. Be ambitious, but realistic. Setting a goal that is just out of reach, but not out of sight will help you to achieve it.
5. Resolve to educate yourself. Instead of resolving to lose 15 pounds, resolve to learn how to eat healthier and exercise to effectively reach your goals. Read “The All-Pro Diet” by Tony Gonzalez for a great healthy-eating read. You don’t have to take it as gospel, but Tony Gonzalez is a 10 time pro-bowl selection and a freak of an athlete. Maybe eating like him isn’t such a bad idea.

While you’re at it, educate yourself on the psychology of motivation and figure out what works for you.

Personally, I do not like New Year’s resolutions. Why not make a March resolution? Why not a today resolution? If you lack the self control to achieve your resolution, your resolution should be to increase your self control. Have a higher self efficacy- the more you believe in your own capabilities, the more likely you will succeed. Believe that self control is malleable, and not fixed; without commitment to sculpting your mental ability to achieve greatness, physical results will be empty. Make a plan and stick to it- if you waiver, get back on track as soon as possible. Read.
Stay tuned-

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Get Your Week Started Right: Quote of the Day 02/28/10

I feel that there are two types of people out there. Those who look at the future and immediately feel a rush of anxiety and panic at what the unknown will hold for them, and those who embrace what the future will hold and cant wait to move forward and experience that. I can say that at one point a few years back I might have been person number one. However, even in recent difficult times, I have become person number two. I have no idea what tomorrow will hold, but I am excited for it. Who will I meet, what networking opportunity will present itself, what contact made a few weeks back will decide to email me tomorrow? These, and many more questions, are what I look forward to answering each time I think about the future. In honor of this out-look, I have a quote by Abraham Lincoln:

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”-Abraham Lincoln.

Look forward to tomorrow, take it how it comes, and learn from it and shape it into what you want.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Upgrade Your Gear: Ditch the Outdated Duffel, Meet the Appropriate Messenger

I am not sure how much walking you do throughout the day but if your living situation is like mine, then you probably walk all around town. Living in a city means lots of convenience and most of what you need is accessible in just a few blocks walk. What I am getting at is that doing so much walking calls for a great bag to carry all of your things. I used to have a laptop type carrying case that I would jam other books and materials into along with my laptop. The space was OK, but the quality was terrible and the zipper would always give me troubles. The worst part was the short, uncomfortable strap that would constantly slip off my shoulder and pull my suit-coats and blazers down off my shoulder and twist up my collars. Needless to say, after experiencing this unpleasantness everyday it wore on me. Not only is the functionality important, but whatever your lugging around with you should reflect...well, you. Even though some of the menswear sites and magazines are praising the come-back of the leather pack back, I hate having a back pack on when I am wearing a suit. For that matter, I hate the look of a back pack when I am wearing anything, its just a little to childish for me. So, what are some great bags? I really feel that you cant go wrong with the messenger bag. Not the ones that the street bicycle riders sport with the seat belt buckle for the clasp that holds the bag up on your back while you ride through the city. I am talking about one like this Levis Canvas Messenger Bag. (Buy It Here).

With a bag like this one your going to be able to fit all of your materials, the product is going to hold up , and its going to be comfortable on your shoulder. If you like a more professional look then I would suggested a bag like this one

This is actually the bag that I use currently. Its very durable and has tons of space in it. There are at least three different compartments to separate your laptop from your books from your papers. The strap is a great length and the solid brown leather lends its self to a more professional look. I can go from using this bag to take my laptop down to the coffee shop, to loading up for a meeting and toting it with me while I am dressed in a suit. Also, the leather gets a vintage look to it after a couple of months which I really like.

To switch gears a little bit, I move to the weekend bag. If you make a lot of two day trips, tend to leave the city for weekends, or have a significant other with whom you stay with often then you need to invest in a great weekend bag. Especially with the Summer right around the corner, trips to the lake, beach or pool might require you to have one of these great bags on hand. Awhile ago I used to use this late 90's sport tech looking duffel bag that was way to big for what I needed it for. I would literally put one pair of shoes, pants a shirt and my shaving kit in a bag that could hold a weeks worth of gear. Needless to say much like my busted up laptop case, carrying this behemoth around got old real quick. A simple canvas weekend bag will do you a world of good if your out of the house like I am. Here are a couple of options that are really affordable and will get the job done.

Bag By Ralph Lauren

Bag By Banana Republic

Simple Canvas Weekender

Do your self a favor and stop dealing with the busted up, old bag your using now and upgrade your gear. You will feel relieved to throw a comfortable messenger bag over your shoulder whether your headed into work or to the coffee shop to relax. Don't forget about weekends either, ditch the outdated duffel and pack accordingly.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Which Tie Knots are In and which are.....Knot.

The world of fashion and the tips, trends and information that goes along with it are purely subjective. What makes sense to one person will sometimes make sense to the next and sometimes it wont. However, there are those times when following a few simple rules can help you out dramatically. So far, The Modern Gentleman's blog has maybe hit on one or two of those types of situations that call for rules. Well, here is another one. Tie Knots: What they are, how to tie 'em and when to wear 'em. Whether you choose to believe me or not is entirely up to you but I can tell you that not only do tie width's come in and out of style but tie knots do as well. I figured this was appropriate seeing as how my last fashion-minded post dealt with shirt collar care (GQ followed suit-ha-and just ran a feature with Drake talking all about shirt collars).

It is safe to say that there are at least twelve to fifteen different tie knots in existence. However, since most of those are completely irrelevant I am going to focus on three that many credible sources have determined to be the most popular..and I agree. The three I am referring to are the four in hand, the half windsor, the windsor.

Four-in-hand: This is the classic knot. This one is going to get you through pretty much any situation that you can think of. While some believe that this knot works better with wider ties featuring a heavy fabric, I wear this knot with all different types of tie widths. I will say though, because the knot itself tends to be long and slender, a heavier fabric is important. Otherwise you will compromise the body of the tie knot and it wont really stand up with what your wearing.

The Half-Windsor: A milder version of the Windsor (probably goes without saying). This is more assertive tie knot. Its going to be a little bit bolder than the four in hand knot and might project more least as much as a tie knot can project confidence. As one might assume, this knot has been considered a bit more conservative of recent (which I agree with) and would definitely be appropriate in business. In my personal opinion, I don't believe this knot is as versatile due to the fact that it doesn't have a stylish look to it. Its kind of just bold. A lighter weight fabric is going to work best with this knot due to its already large size.

The Windsor: The Grand-daddy of these three tie knots (both in size and because it makes me think of someone much older) is the Windsor. If you don't want to go bold than I would avoid this knot. Your likely to see Donald Trump or Jay-Z sporting this one. You need to wear a spread collar with this tie and not a traditional button down collar or any others that frame the tie knot a little more tightly. Your going to need all the room you can get with this one. Also, you need a slightly longer tie to pull of this look because a lot of it is going to get tied up (sorry, that's the second pun of this piece) in the massive knot your working on.

A New Contributor, A New Segment. DMG Joins the Modern Gentleman

Hello All. As I mentioned last weekend, a new contributor is joining Back To Basics: The Modern Gentleman. I am extremely excited to have his contributions to the blog and I believe they are going to be extremely beneficial and entertaining. Check in for more great info from this Modern Gentleman. Without further a due, the new to the team gentleman and myself bring you the sustainable health and fitness segment of the blog. Enjoy.

If you were around Atlanta this weekend, and you don’t live under a rock, you probably were thinking the same thing I was- Georgia weather is flat-out strange.

Just over a week ago, PJones (the modern gentleman himself) and I were kicking around a few new business ideas over a Jameson on the rocks while our cars were covered in 5 inches of snow, and this weekend the whole world was outside at Piedmont park, shirtless, and soaking in some warmly-welcomed sun. You’ve got to love these days in Georgia- these days each year that make you think winter has passed and soon the Braves will take the field and you can make your first trip to the lake. But with this weather comes a few realizations about how your year is progressing- 1) winter is almost over, and it seems like just yesterday you were jotting down lofty resolutions while nursing a hangover, and 2) while 2010 is 15% gone already, you are nowhere closer than you were two months ago to your health and fitness goals.

I bring up the GA weather for a reason. I spent the warm days this past weekend at an intown park playing some pickup soccer with old friends, and I noticed a few things about my fellow park-going Atlantans regarding their fitness. At one extreme there were the obviously out-of-shape guys who lacked the knowledge, or more likely the motivation, to shape-up and live in a healthy body; and at the other extreme there were the guys with “popcorn muscles”.
(“Popcorn muscles” is a phrase that was introduced to me recently by an old friend who sent an NO-Xplode-drinking meat-head flipping ass over teacup while competing for a rebound in a pickup basketball game earlier this month. All puffy- but light and weak.)

If your fitness goals are to do as many curls as possible and get “popcorn muscles”, then read no further. This segment of the blog is not for you. This segment will deal with functional strength- health and fitness tips and techniques that will improve your strength, energy and endurance, hone your ability to focus, and improve aspects of your life from your mood to your sleep patterns (not to mention your body and subsequent inability of your girl to keep her hands off you).

This month’s theme will be shaping up for spring and getting “back on track” with new years resolutions. In weeks to come you can expect pieces that deal with not just diet and exercise tips, but also psychological tools to keep you moving towards a lifelong goal of functional fitness.

This is not a “feel-good” segment- I am not a motivational speaker. I am a modern gentleman who understands the importance of functional strength and its many benefits.

-Stay tuned


Monday, February 22, 2010

Grifters, Cons and Three Piece Suits

Sometimes you just can't recreate the fun and the style that is intertwined in so many great old-school films. This past Saturday night, in between eating dinner and getting ready to go out for the night, I happened to catch a great film that I had never seen before, The Sting directed by George Roy Hill and written by David S. Ward in 1973. I should have known it was going to be a great film when I saw that Paul Newman and Robert Redford were staring in it and I was not let down. Redford and Newman play two Grifters that are famous for their cunning cons they set up on unsuspecting "marks" and the film revolves around one massive con they play in Chicago. In the same classically cool way that Clooney and Pitt pull of amazing heists in the Oceans 11 movies, Redford and Newman craft a genius plan to con a shady banker out of one million bucks. I wont give away any more of the plot but there are some great twists and turns and even though some of them are predictable, some of them keep you guessing. Aside from being a great film, the style exhibited by Newman and Redford is impeccable. You dont see either of the characters in anything but three piece suits and tuxedos the whole time. Pretty much, the film made me wish we still lived in a time when every gentleman always sported such attire. In one scene in particular Redford heads into a local dive at about 3 in the morning after a long night and is wearing a blue three piece suit but without the tie, leaving his top collar undone a couple of buttons. You cant beat a great film with amazing, classical style. Check it out, The Modern Gentleman definitely endorses this classic film. Oh yea, I forgot to mention the 7 Oscars this picture took home!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here's What's Coming Your Way

I am just about back to full health (thanks to sleep, cold medicine and some whiskey sprinkled in here and there) and that means back to posting regularly. Here's a quick list of whats coming up this week:

1. A Modern Gentleman contributor begins his regular segment on healthy eating/living and some other interesting stuff. He has got some really great information to share, I am glad he's joining the team.

2. How to build your own at home bar with only a little space and a little money.

3. More additions to your spring wardrobe. Do's, donts, and where to pick up some great pieces.

4. A couple of small random surprises thrown in.

Stay tuned in this up-coming week, I appreciate every one's continued support. If you'd like to see anything change or have any sort of feedback please feel free to email me at Enjoy your Sunday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hob Nob Opens in Atlanta

A brand new gastro-pub opens up today on the corner of Piedmont and Monroe...Hob Nob Neighborhood Tavern. Due to the close proximity to my house, I have been seeing the daily development of the space from what used to be an old Caribou Coffee into a Restaurant and bar. I have to say, I have been intrigued this entire time. It is not often that you see a coffee shop get turned into a bar and grill. That fact alone intrigues me because I just want to see how the designers re-organized the space. The decor inside consists of orange-ish walls, chandeliers with candles, a full fireplace, stacked stone, full bar, outdoor heated patio, private party space, and free valet parking. The food seems to be interesting enough and, although I have not tried it, I have a feeling its going to be your average (or maybe slightly above average) bar/snack food. A couple of the things I don't like; Their colors are black and orange on a shield shaped sign that says hob nob with silhouettes of people. The color scheme and logo does nothing for me. Actually, it makes me think of Halloween and I keep wanting to say hob goblin not hob nob because of the Halloween specific colors and old chandeliers with candles and all of that. Also, the location is strange. What was once a gas station, then coffee shop, and now restaurant is plopped right on the corner between other gas stations and absolutely zero parking. Its also a little difficult to actually turn into. Lastly, its right across the street from an Atlanta staple in the music and bar scene..Smith's Old Bar. Smiths is a place I enjoy frequenting and I just cant see myself heading over to Hob Nob as opposed to smiths. I love the restaurant industry and all that it has to offer and I hope for nothing but success for Hob Nob but my prediction is that its not going to last. Confusing concept, design, and location lends itself to some weaknesses. If your looking for a drink your probably going to head to Smiths, not Hob Nob

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beat Down For the Common Cold....Drink Anyone?

I have definitely been a little light on the posts this week and that's due to being weighed down with a heavy cold. In honor of this cold, or whatever it is that is bogging me down, I give to you my cold remedy. You will not be surprised to find that it involves the consumption of alcohol, but hey, why lay on the couch and be miserable? I am sure that most of you reading this have heard of this concoction before, and probably have even tried one in your travels. Anyways, what I am talking about is the hot toddy. Here's how to make it

Step 1

Boil a cup or 2 of water and pour into a mug.

Step 2

Place an herbal tea bag or a decaffeinated tea bag into the mug and steep for 5 minutes.

Step 3

Add 1 to 2 tsp. honey to the tea.

Step 4

Add 1 shot (approximately 2 oz.) of bourbon, whiskey or rum.

Step 5

Stir thoroughly.

Step 6

Breathe in the steam from the hot toddy as you sip.

I don't think its that strange to use whiskey as a cold treatment. It beats rubbing Vick's on your nose and popping dayquil and NyQuil all day long while you suck on throat lozenges. Back in the day (really far back in the day) mothers used to rub small amounts of whiskey on their kids gum's to get them to sleep and to help with teething. Alcoholic remedies were often times used to treat minor illness's. So, don't let a cold get you down at night. Mix up a hot toddy kick back on the couch. Hey, think of it this way, you have an excuse to be a little lazy for once. Your sick remember?( I am not providing medical advice here, just telling you that, as an adult with a cold, this method helps with my cold at night).

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Style Note: Collars, Cuffs, and Other Stuff

Another week down and another edition of the Saturday Style Note is coming your way. I don't know where you will be reading this from but down here in Atlanta there is about three inches of snow on the ground. Very strange, I though I left the snow in Chicago. Anyways, one of my pet-peeves is when I put on a dress shirt, or any button down shirt for that matter, and the collar is sloppy. What I mean is that the collar is flattened down, and the edges curl up. Depending on the quality of the shirt you can even start to see some slight wrinkles around the collar. Below is a great way to avoid this problem, take care of your shirts and iron and starch them properly. Here's how:

1. As you might expect, get your iron and a flat space to work. (No brain-er there)
2. Start with the inside of the shirt facing up and flatten out the collar completely. Spray some starch all over it and iron out the collar completely.You can iron from the outside in or the other way around. Whatever you feel gives you the smoothest collar
3. Flip the shirt over, spray the other side of the collar with starch and repeat your ironing motion.
4. Once you have done that, fold the collar over, like how you would actually wear the shirt. Iron along the fold for a crisp collar.

If you like, you can repeat these same steps with your cuffs. Unbutton them, starch iron, flip over and repeat.

If ironing and cleaning your dress shirts and other items isn't your thing than you need to become very good friends with a very good cleaner. Actually, every man needs to have his go to cleaner that he can depend on and trust his nicest clothes with. If your in the Atlanta area than I would like to recommend one. Sig Samuels. This place has great customer service, the kind that has pretty much been lost in business's like this one. Ladies, if your picking up clothes for you or your boyfriend/husband/ect... you can count on them carrying your load out to your car for you. They also know all of their customers by name and do a great job handling your items. They have won "best of Atlanta" a few times and they are definitely worthy of chance to impress you. They are located of off Monroe by the Midtown Arts Cinema in Midtown. However you decide to do it, take care of your shirts. You dont want to be the guy with the collar laying flat, looking like your auditioning for a a remake of Saturday Night Fever.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Bone To Pick With GQ For Spring

I like GQ as much as the next guy and when I was younger I would read them regularly to learn a little bit about men's fashion. Where else are you going to learn what type of suit fabric to wear during what season before you even own a suit? Anyways, recently I dropped by their website and read a story about essential spring items. I was pretty annoyed. Ill spare you all the details and just tell you that red and blue shiny boat shoes, plastic sunglasses and boring prep striped ties were all they had featured. (see the ridiculousness here: GQ Spring Must Haves)

Here are some inspired ways to go about getting ideas for things you might want to pick up for spring.

These are just a few examples to get you going in the right direction. Basically, its more about the color, fabric weight/type, cut, and fit as opposed to GQ's personal recommendation of buying items to make you look like your constantly on a boat. I am not suggesting you take the looks above literally but some of the details are great. For instance, the light brown dress shoes with the blue pants, the white jacket on top of a gray suit or just gray pants, vintage flannel shirt under a blazer. All of these things are more accurate for spring, in my opinion, than GQ's essentials list.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

R.I.P Mcqueen

A great designer, a great innovator. He will not be forgotten, his work will live on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Keep your home in shape without lifting a finger

You take pride in yourself, you take pride in your work, so don't let your apartment/home/condo be any different. Knowing how to conduct yourself, being well dressed, and being well prepared for work is extremely important but so many people forget to take care of a place they spend a whole lot of time in; where they call home! First of all, you never know when you may have company drop by and you might not have time to do a 911 emergency clean up. Nothing is worse than walking into a house that is destroyed and cluttered. What speaks more about a person than their own personal space? Also, for your own mental well being it is important to keep up with your home. I cant necessarily speak for everyone, but if I have to sit down to get some work done at home and my house is cluttered and dirty, I cant focus until its cleaned up. What a waste of time to have to spend an hour cleaning before you can sit down and get your work done. Anyways, I have found a great solution that I think will help you out tremendously.

Now when I first saw this product I thought it was a little bit out there and doubted its credibility. However, after using it I can say that I am truly impressed. Ever heard of the Roomba? Its pretty much a cleaning robot that you charge up, turn on and then turn loose on your carpets, or hardwood floor. The Roomba isn't going to put away your clothes for you but it does an amazing job vacuuming your carpets and sweeping up your hardwood floors. I turn it on when Iam about to leave the house in the morning and when I come home my carpet is completely clean, and my hardwood floors in my kitchen are spotless. Mine is a pretty basic model but you can get extra options so that the Roomba goes back to its charger when its done cleaning and charges itself, you can also set up sensors if you want it to avoid certain rooms. Check this product out here...I urge you to try it and keep your house looking great all the time. That way, you will never have to worry if you are out, meet someone, and want to bring them back to your house...Roomba has you covered. Roomba Website

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rules For Man-Jewels

Happy Monday everyone, I hope your week has started out how you hoped it would. This past weekend while I was out around town I saw a fellow bar patron sporting a pretty ridiculous look and it got me thinking about a few things. The look I am referring to? About five bracelets on one wrist, a necklace, a large cuff on the other wrist and more than a couple of rings. I am all for jewelry as long as it is tastefully done. For instance, a watch is great and every gentleman should have a nice, go to time piece. I have stated that many times before. Even a bracelet, one bracelet, is o.k. if its a classic sterling silver or gold or any other precious metal but that's about it. Now, exception to the rule? If you wear jewelry that has personal meaning to you. I wear a necklace that I was given when I turned 21 and my brother wears the exact same necklace that he received when he was 21. The difference is that it is personal and I keep it that way. I wear it under my shirt or undershirt, I don't wear it on the outside of my clothes. I also wear one silver ring that I was given as a present and it is a simple silver band. There is no conceivable reason that a man should feel the need to wear more jewelry than his girlfriend. A watch, or one metal bracelet, or even one thin leather bracelet is o.k. but leave it at that. I am not trying to hinder your personal sense of style, just giving it some guidance. Less is more on this one guys.



Sunday, February 7, 2010

Get Your Week Started Right: Its All About Passion

This past Friday I had the amazing opportunity to work with some innovative professionals who provide an interesting and unique eating and drinking experience that isn't being done anywhere else in Atlanta (Dinner Party Atlanta). Having the chance to work along side people who are dedicated to their service and passionate about it was refreshing and contagious. You couldn't help but to get just as excited as they were about what was going on and I really enjoyed it. It made me realize how important it is to find your passion in life and to truly enjoy what you do. When you love what you do, you have the capability to capture the attention of your customers and they return what you put out. This week, think about what you love to do, what you are truly passionate about, and find a way to make it your career. It just might be the most gratifying thing you can do.

“When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - anonymous

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Style Note: Get Layered

I cant believe Iam already writing another installment of the "Saturday Style Note", this week has absolutely flown by. I was a little light on the posts this week partly because I have been extremely busy with some events that were all planned for the same week, and partly because I really just wanted to leave up the V-Day gift guide because its useful and I have been getting alot of positive feedback from it. Anyways, things have slowed down a little bit and I finally have time to sit down and get back at it, right in time for the style note. What I want to put out there today is layering. I don't know about you, but even down in Atlanta we got a few days of warm weather (60's) and then BAM back down into the 40's and 30's.I also know the Northeast was/is supposed to get a record breaking snow storm this weekend. Here I thought it was time to break out the style notes for what to pick up for spring but I guess I jumped the gun. The picture that is below is a great example of how you should be layering. Iam not talking about the frat look where you wear three different polo's or anything ridiculous like that.

(Photograph by photoblogger Tommy Ton)
As I always advocate, simplicity is key. A white ribbed Henley, under a classic button down shirt with a button down collar and a vest thrown on top. The gentleman in this photo pulls off the "understated cool" that the M.G. blog references often. Go to your closet and look at the simple, understated pieces that you have and then start to combine them and see what you get. Its like mixing up a new cocktail, sometimes you get it right and sometimes you have to swap ingredients. The most important part for me is that each individual piece needs to be simple enough to blend with other items, but nice enough to wear by itself if you wanted to. Follow that rule and layering will be a breeze for you....who knew looking good meant you could stay warm at the same time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

V-Day Gift Guide For Gents and Ladies Alike

As I am sure you are all very aware Valentines Day is fastly approaching and that means many of you are scrambling for gift ideas, dinner plans, and anything else you can get your hands on to make this Valentines a special one. I applaud your efforts, but as I always say its better to work smarter, not harder. So look no further because what I have compiled for you here is a great guide to some Valentines gifts. Don't wait to long on this one guys....if your female interest tells you its not a big deal and she doesn't care what you do/what you get her, SHES LYING! And ladies, I have even thrown a few quick ideas for what you can get for the man in your life because who says Valentines day cant be for us as well? Check this list out and if there's anything your dying to get/give and you want to voice your opinion then leave a comment!

For The Woman In Your Life:
Disclaimer: These are just some initial ideas to get you going. However, no one knows your Valentine better than you do so take the time to really think about what shes going to love and then do that. There are countless possibilities to go after and truly personalize. All Iam saying is take the time to care and plan something nice.

1. Spa Treatment: Whether you pick her up a massage, facial, or combination day this is a great gift idea. Look up some spots in your area. If you can, find one that offers some nice additional services. For instance, Blu Med Spa in Midtown has private changing rooms, custom slippers, personalized robes, teas, private showering areas, and a talented staff. Your girlfriend/wife/other will really feel pampered in a Spa like this. By the way, don't be intimidated to go in and purchase the package. Tell them you need some help picking out a gift and they will be more than helpful.

2. Shoes: Show me a woman that doesn't like shoes and I will show you a liar. ( That's twice I have reference women being liars in this piece..sorry totally accidental). If you can do the leg work before hand then get her shoe size and evaluate what she likes to wear. If you have been together awhile and you know her friends maybe drop them a line and see what kind of information you can dig up. You should be willing to drop a pretty penny on this idea though because there is no point in getting cheap shoes. If your not willing to commit to that then head on down to my next suggestion. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with planning a day where you plan to take her out and let her pick out her own pair of shoes. You should just make sure that you have something else planned for actual Valentines I.O.U isn't going to cut it fellas.

3. Wine Club Membership: Is your love interest a foodie? So many people have gotten into high end organic cuisine's and wines from all over the world. Why not find a well respected distributor who offers a six month club where once a month a bottle of red and a bottle of white are delivered right to her doorstop along with a description of the region they came from. This is great for you to both enjoy and spend some quality time doing together. I ordered one of these memberships for a family member once and they really are great. Wine Of The Month Club

4. B and B: The weekend get away at a Bed and Breakfast. There are so many great B and B's out there that offer a great, affordable get away opportunity. Iam not saying you even have to go out of state. Just pack up for a weekend and head to somewhere in your own state you have never been before. A small, mom and pop type of place can be romantic and alot more interesting than your local cookie cutter Hilton.

For the Gents:

1. Massage: Hey, what can I say? Guys get stressed to and if you've never had a massage then you don't know what your missing. Most people don't realize how much tension they actually experience day to day until after they have had a massage and can feel the difference. If he's never had one, get him one, he will truly enjoy it.

2. Jack Purcell Sneakers: Classic, clean, can be worn with jeans, slacks, and even a suit (in certain company). A great weekend shoe and an all around utility shoe that he will really get some use out of. Check them out here...Jack Purcell

3. Bottle of "_______": Whatever he drinks, get it for him. You cant beat being stocked up on your favorite liquor. Or better yet, get his favorite type (Vodka, Whiskey, Tequila, ect...) but upgrade to a premium brand (if he doesn't already drink that way).

4. Custom Fit Dress Shirt: A guy truly can never have enough of these. Nothing looks worse than a baggy, long shirt so help him out and pick up one or two of these. They work alone, with a jacket, with a blazer, with a vest, tucked in, untucked...the list goes on.

Good luck on all your Valentines Day ventures. Feel free to email me for more information on any of these items or if you have some ideas that you think belong on the list.

Monday, February 1, 2010

What You Should Be Drinking....Right Now

Its the start of a new week and as your laying out your plans and looking at due dates and deadlines dont be afraid to take a break from it all. Shake up the begining of your week and mix your self a drink. My last reccomendation was an "Old Fashioned"-done Modern Gentleman style. Hope you got the chance to make yourself one of those and enjoy it, I know I did. Anyways, its time to move on and experience a new drink. Without further hesitation, enter, the Six Twenty Two. The recipet comes from Poppy in Seattle and was featured on Details website. Much like the Old Fashioned, the Six Twenty Two is a heavier drink and is primarily made with Rye Whisky (full recipet is below). I say fit in all your whisky drinking before the warm weather rolls around and your inclined to switch to something a little lighter. Heres the recipet for this great cocktail,
2 1/2 oz Old Overholt rye whiskey
1/2 oz Amaro Nonino
1 dash Angostura bitters
2 dashes Fee Brothers rhubarb bitters
Orange peel

How To Mix It Up
1.Stir together all of the ingredients except the orange peel over ice in a mixing glass
2.Strain into a cocktail glass
3.Strain into a cocktail glass
4.Using a y-peeler (or a knife), cut a fat strip of peel off the orange and squeeze the zest over the drink
5.Drop in the peel or hang it off the rim of the glass to serve

Visit Details for some other recipets and more information on where this drink got its origins.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quote of the Day Sunday, January 31st: Get Your Week Started Right

The following quote couldnt be any better for the personal experience that I had today. While sitting in my local coffee shop getting some work done I happened to strike up conversation with a gentleman sitting next to me. Long story short, this gentleman happened to be the director of sales and marketing for a hotel in Midtown and after exchanging information I had earned a great new contact in the industry. You never know when an opportunity is going to present itself. So, like many of my other posts prepared. This upcoming week put your self out there more so than usual and open your self up so opportunities can present themselves to you. Have a great week.

"One secret of success in life is for a man to be
ready for his opportunity when it comes."
-Benjamin Disraeli

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Style Tip: "Put A Sock In It"

Another week is just about fully in the books and being that it is Saturday means that we have yet another "Saturday Style Tip". Finding your own personal style is pretty easy to do. It takes a little bit of exploration and experimentation but at the end of the day, its about you and who knows you better than...well, you. You have to do what feels right for you. These tips are simple suggestions of how to add small items to your closet to upgrade your look. This Saturday's tip is simple, socks. The first thing I want to mention is that unless you are wearing shorts, or its the summer and you are wearing a light colored cotton suit with loafers ditch the shorty ankle socks. It always looks a little strange when you sit down and your jeans, or slacks, ride up a bit and your left with your ankles and lower leg showing with your shoes or sneakers. So, that part is simple enough. Now, to elevate your overall look get some socks with color or an argyle pattern on them. If you are wearing business casual or even a suit then this is a great accompaniment but its even better if you get that extra splash of color when your out at the bars, or dinner or anything outside of work. Think about wearing dark denim and a shirt and maybe a scarf and your socks match the color of your scarf. Its the simple, small detail in pairing your look that way that says you know what your doing and you care. Plus its subtle enough that your not going way out of your way to be overly trendy and make some bold statement. Its quiet confidence. Don't go over the top with the colors. Look at the colors that you wear often and get some socks that fall in that color range. Blues, blacks, browns, reds, and them throw some argyle in there. (Photo by Paola Kudacki from GQ)

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Sew" you might not have expected this from the Modern Gentleman...

Hows it going out there on this amazing Friday afternoon? Todays post might, at first glance, seem like a strange topic for someone who calls himself the Modern Gentleman but I promise you it is extremely relevant. I have a couple of vintage blazers that I get a whole lot of use out of. So much use that the top button that I am always doing and un-doing slowly but surely comes loose and eventually, falls off. There is nothing more frustrating than going to your closet grabbing your jacket putting it on and realizing that you cant fasten the button because its non-existent. What Iam getting at is that it is an extremely useful tool to know how to sew a button back on to a jacket. Until I learned for myself, if I pulled a blazer out and the button wasnt there then it would go back in my closet until I could get my girlfriend or her mom to hook it up--I dont like having to wait on other people to get things done. You might say that it is un-gentlemanly to know how to sew or to purchase the required tools to sew a button. You know what I say to that? It more un-gentlemanly to go out looking dumg because your clothes are missing buttons. Needless to say, in my opinion its important so Iam hooking you up this Friday afternoon with a quick guide to sewing a button back on. Enjoy, I guaruntee that your goinig to be glad you know how to do this after you read the quick guide.

1. Materials: The button of course, a needle and some thread. The color of the thread should match the fabric on your jacket.

2. Your going to need to get about a 1/2 yard of thread. Thread the needle and then move the needle so it is about smack in the middle of the thread and tie two small knots at the end of the thread connecting the two strands.

3. Put the button on top of the material where you intend to sew it.

4. Push the needle up through the bottom of the fabric through one of the holes in the button until the knot and the end of your thread catches the bottom side of the fabric.

5. Push the needle down through the other button hole through the top of the fabric.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 about three our four times

7. End with the needle on the back side of the fabric (the side without the button on it) and doulbe knot the rest of the thread to hold it in place.

There ya go, now you can take care of yourself and make sure you never walk out of the house looking like a fool missing buttons.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Four Bottles is Three Bottles to Many.....

Early today I was reading some of the typical men's magazines and websites and I started to see a similar trend between all of the publications I came across. I was specifically looking for some information regarding cologne and what I found was typical and a little bit aggrevating. Most of the reviews and suggestions that I read were highly unrealistic. What I mean is that many of the articles suggested that every guy needs to have at least three or four different bottles of cologne. Not three or four bottles of the same so that when you run out you have a fresh bottle waiting for you, but three or four completely different scents all for different parts of your life. Look, I am all for having variety and for being prepared in any situation you might find yourself in. If you have read any of my previous posts than you would know that Iam constantly making suggestions. However, this four bottles of cologne nonsense is one piece of advice that I just cant get on board with. I think, at most, two different scents would be appropriate. A conservative, musk/wood blend with hints of citrus or fruit for the office and something a little sweeter and more bold for going out. Thats fine---but personally, I stick to just one. I like to have a "signature" scent. Something that those close to me know I wear, and I wear it in small amounts. I understand that maybe the guys with the highest concern for fashion and current trends might have four bottles of different cologne in their bathroom but that is not what most carry. Could you imagine traveling like that? A guy should never have more toilitries than the woman in his life and rolling with four or five bottles of cologne probably puts you pretty close to what shes packing. Something I have stressed over and over again in this sites early history is to be timeless and to not waiver with the trends. Pick a great scent and stick with it. Wear it correctly and switch it up....after your bored of it or find something better. Dont switch it up as you move from the office, to the gym, to the restaurant, to the bar.....its doing to much!

Still Looking for your signature scent? Heres some suggestions:
1.Kenneth Cole Vintage Black:

2.Yves Saint Laurent La Nuit De L'Homme

3.Tom Ford Grey Vetiver

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tie Colors are like a Gentlemans mood ring: What will Obamas say tonight?

Another Wednesday and another week is half gone, I hope yours has been well up to this point. Unless you have been living under a rock then you are well aware that tonight brings us the long awaited, highly publicized State of The Union address from President Barack Obama. While representatives from the left and from the right are analyzing what the talking points will be and what they will mean, the Modern Gentleman is taking a slightly different approach. The colors we choose to wear represent our overall moods and our current positions on certain subject matter (even if it is subconsciously). Specifically, tie colors have always been a representation of how we feel or where we feel we rank in a certain social situation. So what color will President Obama be wearing tonight and what will that say about what he is truly thinking and feeling? Here's a list of tie colors and what they mean...tune in to the State of the Union tonight to see if his color choice represents his message...or if its a sign that hes not expressing how he truly feels.

1. Red: This is a power color and it symbolizes strength, wealth, leadership, passion and, in many instances, is a color of luck. Experts on the matter say that if you need to "lead your team to a hard victory" and instill confidence, than this is a good color. Could be a good choice for the President.

2. Blue: Blue is a calming color and seeks to express peace and neutrality. A hostel situation would be the perfect arena to sport the blue tie. Again, a valuable option for President Obama

3. Yellow: This color is a little difficult to break down and analyze. GQ ran a story awhile back that said that yellow was the new power tie. However, some feel that yellow represents energy and vibrancy. A strong personality is needed to pull this color off effectively and I doubt you will see this color on Obama tonight. Not because hes not strong but because the situation doesn't call for it.

4. Green: In business this represents money.....well at least growth and prosperity. My call is that this is another color we wont see on Obama tonight.

5. Brown: This color represents the average, everyday man. It says that your practical and down to earth and slightly reserved. There's no way you will see this color tonight.

There are definitely more colors that we could analyze here but these are the most common and the most probable. My official prediction is Red, although he may sport the blue to represent the color of his political party.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upgrade Your Gear: Take Care of Your Shoes, Your Wallet Will Love You

If your anything like I am then you know that shoes make or break your attire for a day. Ever see a guy walking down the street in a suit wearing New Balance sneakers? That combo goes together as well as Orange juice in your cereal, its just wrong. My Father once told me that shoes were the only thing that could make a thousand dollar suit look like a fifty dollar suit so make sure you get 'em right. Pretty good advice in my opinion. So, if you want to make sure your always on your shoe game its important to know how to care for them. Before I started actively caring for my dress shoes and even some of my sneakers I would burn through them like crazy. Hells worn down, laces frayed, discoloration, the whole bit. You don't want your shoes to look like they came from the Salvation Army (unless the thrift store thing is your bag and in that case, this doesn't apply to you). Here are some quick tips to help you take care of your shoes so your suit (or whatever you are wearing) doesn't depreciate in, the better you take care of your shoes, the longer they last, and you can keep some extra cash in your pocket. Nothing wrong with that right?

1. Wait 24 hours in between wear: Yes, don't wear the same pair of shoes on back to back days. At least don't make a regular habit of it anyways. Think about it. We don't "wash" shoes like we wash our other items of clothing. Can you imagine what a shirt would look like if you just wore it every day all day? The fabric would soak up your natural oils and dirt and pick up any grime that you encountered outside. Well, like I said you don't wash your shoes and they encounter alot of way-worse items on the ground then the rest of your clothes. So give em a break.You have to let the sweat and oil they absorb dry out or else they will age quickly.

2. Shoe Tree: You may have seen one of these in your Dad's closet or even grandfathers closet...well so what? They know what they are doing then. When you put your shoes back in the closet throw a shoe tree in to help them retain their shape while they recoup from heavy wear. This will eliminate any unnecessary indentations that wont come out, unsightly creases, ect...Also, use one of these if you have to pack your shoes in a suit case. You don't want them to get crushed.

3. Shoe Horn: This item is geared exclusively to your nice dress shoes that may be a little bit more firm around the ankle. You don't want to crush the backs of your shoes so get a shoe horn to allow your heel to slide easily into the shoe. Again, keeping the form nice.

4. General Fabric Care: The following is a guideline for how to clean and care for your different types of shoes. This particular list comes from Kiwi and you will find it is pretty much the same as any other guide line. Kiwi has been around since 1906 and many trust their products. (click on kiwi to get directed to their site).

1.Dirt and other debris can easily embed into leather. Therefore, your leather shoes or boots need to be cleaned before you start polishing. KIWI Shoe Brushes and Wipes can easily be used to remove excess dirt and debris.
2.To polish your shoes effectively, always remove the shoelaces from your shoe before you start polishing your shoes. This is the best way to get to clean the tongue of the shoe and avoid staining the laces.
3.For best results using shoe polishes or creams, first apply the shoe polish or cream evenly to leather shoes and boots with a brush or soft cloth. Once the polish has properly dried, simply buff to a brilliant shine using a natural bristle brush. Note that it is important to use a separate brush and cloth for applying and buffing different colored shoes.
4.If you prefer a more convenient alternative there are instant shine liquids. Simply remove excess dirt and then apply the liquid evenly to your shoes. The formulation restores color and dries to an instant shine - without the need to buff.
5.Use KIWI Protector products to help waterproof your shoes thoroughly to protect them from common stains caused by water, mud, dust, snow or salt.
6.Store leather shoes using a shoe tree, this will help retain the shape of the leather. If you can’t use a shoe tree (e.g. for strappy shoes), stuff the toe cap with newspaper or tissue. Never store or dry leather shoes near direct heat.

Suede & Nubuck
1.Your suede shoes deserve special attention. Make sure they are cleaned and waterproofed regularly.
2.If your suede shoes get wet, stuff them with newspaper while they dry to keep their shape.
3.Always allow them to dry naturally and never put them near direct heat.
4.Suede and nubuck shoes will look their best when brushed. You can use KIWI Suede and Nubuck brushes and cleaning blocks for this purpose.

Sport shoes
1.To extend the life of active or outdoor shoes (golf shoes, football or hiking boots), make sure you polish and waterproof them regularly.
2.Before polishing, first knock off the loose mud and allow your boots to dry naturally.
3.Use KIWI Fresh Force® shoe freshener with its unique up-side down, dual spray applicator, to control shoe and sneaker odor and to enjoy all day freshness and confidence

These are just a few quick tips to help you care for your shoes better and I hope you find them helpful. If you have any additional tips or hints on this topic leave a comment, it can benefit all who read.