I have definitely been a little light on the posts this week and that's due to being weighed down with a heavy cold. In honor of this cold, or whatever it is that is bogging me down, I give to you my cold remedy. You will not be surprised to find that it involves the consumption of alcohol, but hey, why lay on the couch and be miserable? I am sure that most of you reading this have heard of this concoction before, and probably have even tried one in your travels. Anyways, what I am talking about is the hot toddy. Here's how to make it
Step 1
Boil a cup or 2 of water and pour into a mug.
Step 2
Place an herbal tea bag or a decaffeinated tea bag into the mug and steep for 5 minutes.
Step 3
Add 1 to 2 tsp. honey to the tea.
Step 4
Add 1 shot (approximately 2 oz.) of bourbon, whiskey or rum.
Step 5
Stir thoroughly.
Step 6
Breathe in the steam from the hot toddy as you sip.
I don't think its that strange to use whiskey as a cold treatment. It beats rubbing Vick's on your nose and popping dayquil and NyQuil all day long while you suck on throat lozenges. Back in the day (really far back in the day) mothers used to rub small amounts of whiskey on their kids gum's to get them to sleep and to help with teething. Alcoholic remedies were often times used to treat minor illness's. So, don't let a cold get you down at night. Mix up a hot toddy kick back on the couch. Hey, think of it this way, you have an excuse to be a little lazy for once. Your sick remember?( I am not providing medical advice here, just telling you that, as an adult with a cold, this method helps with my cold at night).
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