Its been quite sometime since I have posted anything to the Modern Gentleman's blog. I was going to apologize for that but then I realized that would mean I was apologizing to fans or something. While I may be a little bit cocky, I am not out of touch-I realize no one was loosing sleep over my lack of posts. So, all I will say is that an extremely busy schedule and a lack of inspiration have lead to my two week hiatus. That's all changing this week though. Just a little while ago I stumbled on Life Magazine's recent post to their website that features 21 candid photo of the ultimate bad-ass gentleman Steve McQueen. Here's the link: STEVE MCQUEEN. I am not going to go into to much details on these photos because I want you to check 'em out for yourself but I will say this; cigarette smoking, beer chugging, gun shooting, and laying in the back of a pick up truck can only be made to look glamorous by, what I would consider, a true Modern Gentleman. If you missed my description of a Modern Gentleman a couple of months ago when I started all of this blog stuff, just look at these pictures. A true modern gentleman is not afraid to get his hands dirty, have a good time, break the rules, or shoot a hand gun in this case. The only responsibility a modern gentleman has is to act appropriately in whatever situation he finds himself in, and sometimes you find yourself with a six back of beer, pack of smokes, dusty pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. I say, dig in.
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